How To Remove Semi Permanent Blue Hair Dye

Semi-permanent dyeing is a real hair coloring, but it is much less long-lasting than the “classic” permanent or long-lasting dyeing, for which the hair must be cut or re-dyed (if you decide to change color, of course).

Semi-permanent dyeing also differs from direct coloring or reflective shampoos, which are the first level of artificial hair coloring.

The latter is formulated in ready-made mixtures that are usually applied to wet and towel-dried hair and last 5-6 shampoos.

Semi-permanent dyes, on the other hand, involve a preparation kit like permanent dyes, but with the difference that the formulations change.

How semi permanent dye works

How semi-permanent dye works

Typically, the packages contain the actual pigments and a color activator: both products are mixed at the time of application to obtain the coloring compound (the actual dye).

Why this process? Because although it is relatively short-lived, the semi-permanent dye should color the hair for at least 6 weeks.

This is only possible if the pigments penetrate the hair fiber just enough not to be “washed out” after a few shampoos.

Of course, the activator of semi-permanent dyes has power (in technical jargon, we say, “volume”) decidedly lower than permanent dyes.

That’s why we often refer to other terms such as “tone on tone,” “without oxidation”, and “without ammonia”, although this last expression should not confuse since there are permanent dyes without ammonia (it is the substance that allows the permanent dye to change).

Read: How To Remove Red Semi Permanent Hair Dye At Home

For whom is semi-permanent dye indicated

For those who have their first grey hair but also for those who want to try a new color and are undecided. Or, again, for those who have fragile and sensitized hair, for those who want to add tone-on-tone highlights or make their color more glossy.

It should be noted that, in general, semi-permanent dyes do not lighten your color, unless it is specified on the packaging.

In fact, being devoid of bleaching substances, they are not able to lighten.

They are perfect, moreover, for following all the fashion trends on pastel colors, primary colors (blue, green, purple, etc..), and metallic without the fear of damage … aesthetic!

How long does semi-permanent dyeing last

From 12 to 15 shampoos, depending on the formulations. Generally, the duration is specified on the packaging: some brands prefer to opt for the words “5-6 weeks”.

Baths in the pool and sea may accelerate the gradual disappearance of the color.

Unlike permanent dyes, these lighter dyes do not require much maintenance, such as the use of shampoos and conditioners for colored hair, although it is a good idea to take more care if you notice dryness on the lengths that you did not have before the color.

How To Remove Semi Permanent Blue Hair Dye

Natural Remedies To Remove Blue Dye From Hair

These mixtures to remove the dye from the hair in a natural way are the result of folk tradition.

For this reason, there is no scientific evidence regarding their effectiveness and reliability. If you notice an adverse reaction, discontinue use immediately.

Keep in mind that the effects are not immediate and that you have to be very careful when using them, because some ingredients can be very aggressive for thinner hair.

On the other hand, as much as they are considered safe, it is advisable to do a small test before applying them to the entire hair. This way, you can avert any adverse reaction.

  1. Hair Mask

This apple cider vinegar mask can help you gradually remove hair dye residue. The vinegar acts as a natural conditioner and gives shine.

Well, keep in mind that this method can be a bit abrasive for those with thin and brittle hair or sensitive scalp. Therefore, it is best to avoid it in these cases or use it sparingly and carefully.


  • 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (40 ml)
  • Warm water (as needed)
  • Utensils
  • Plastic container
  • Bath cap
  • Preparation
  • Pour the apple cider vinegar and water into a container.
  • Dilute the apple cider vinegar well.


  • Apply this mixture throughout the hair.
  • Then, practice a gentle massage for a few minutes.
  • Put on a bathing cap and leave for a few minutes.
  • At the end of the indicated time, rinse your hair with plenty of lukewarm water.
  • If you have a very dark color, you can repeat the process at most 3 times a week. The quantities should be increased depending on how much hair you have.
  1. Remove the dye with shampoo

Anti-dandruff shampoo, as a rule, has among its components the active ingredient of selenium sulfide. This substance, combined with the whitening effect of bicarbonate, helps to remove hair dye.

However, once again, it should be remembered that this is a gradual process that is not immediately noticeable. You need to use it at least twice a week until you notice an improvement. Also, it is to be avoided if you have brittle hair.


  • Anti-dandruff shampoo (as needed)
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda (20 g)


  • 1 glass container


  • Calculate the amount of shampoo you usually use to wash your hair.
  • Mix it with the baking soda in the glass container so that they are combined.
  • Application
  • You will apply it to your hair like a regular shampoo.
  • Spread it all over your hair, massage, and leave for a few minutes.
  • Rinse with plenty of water.

Note: Baking soda is a product that tends to dry the hair a lot, so it should be used in very small amounts and with diluted applications over time. Using it too often in a week to remove the dye could damage the hair.

  1. Lemon Juice

Oat milk and lemon mask can help lighten your hair after a dye job. However, it is a mixture that may dry out your hair if left on for too long.

Be sure to apply it in moderation, for up to five minutes. If you notice any adverse reactions, discontinue its use.


  • 5 drops of lemon juice
  • Warmed oat milk (to taste)
  • Preparation
  • Pour both ingredients into a bowl and mix until smooth.
  • Apply to hair and leave on for a few minutes.
  • After the indicated application time, rinse with plenty of warm water.
  1. Remove the dye with lemon and olive oil

Because of its acidity, lemon can help remove the dye. However, it can also damage your hair, so it’s best to apply it in very small amounts and always in conjunction with a deeply moisturizing ingredient (such as olive oil).


  • 4 drops of lemon juice
  • Olive oil (to taste)


  • Mix the ingredients in a bowl.


  • Wash your hair as usual.
  • With the shampoo, try to make enough foam and let it stand for 5 minutes.
  • Next, to the shampoo, apply the mixture.
  • It is important to distribute it throughout the hair using circular massages and leave it on for about 5 minutes.
  • Next, apply the conditioner and let it act for another 5 minutes (if desired).
  • Finally, rinse your hair with plenty of lukewarm water.

To get rid of the semi-permanent blue hair dye, you must act with caution. There is no product that can instantly remove the dye from your hair.

However, there are some homemade preparations that can help you gradually remove some of the product. However, you will always have to apply them with caution, especially if you have fragile hair and a sensitive scalp.

In short, to remove the dye from your hair effectively and without mistreating your hair, you must be well informed and possibly go to your hairdresser to listen to an expert’s opinion.